Thursday, November 11, 2010

Undiluted Community

There is something truly special and amazing that happens when Christ-Followers meet together. Especially when you see the various gifts God has blessed us with working together for HIS glory.

I have just come from an awesome time at our home group. Worship, teaching, prophetic words being spoken and TRUE community - WOW!!

It reminds me of the portion of scripture found in Acts 2:42: "All the believers devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, and to prayer...A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders"

When believers meet together, God works in a different way - by meeting together, you meet with a common goal - to grow together. It's intentional. When we devote ourselves to something or someone, we give it value. Once we give something value, we have an expectation... When we have an expectation for God to work - he DOES! And everyone experiences it and is a part of it!

I am excited, inspired and more committed than ever in pursuing God and what he has called me to! I am also aware that this is only possible if you are rooted in community - and so I am super stoked to share life, grow and experience the things of God with such an awesome group of people!

May you too experience this expression of community as you serve Jesus!

Love always,

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