Monday, March 8, 2010


If you are anything like me, you really don't like waiting. Just this morning I was at the airport, waiting to board my flight.

I stood in the queue looked around me, saw people chatting away merrily... and then...there I was...

Alone. (You can hear the crickets in the background)


So, I quickly pulled out my MP3 player to listen to music – it helps pass the time between waiting. But this got me thinking about a portion of scripture in Isaiah 40:31 that reads:

"Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary."

Waiting is a natural and essential process of God's design. We so easily get impatient, yet often times the most important work takes place while we wait. Friends of mine, Mark & Di are expecting their little girl Gabriella any day now. It's been so special to see this 9 months of WAITING come to an end. However this last few days a whole bunch of us are tired of waiting – we want to meet little Gabriella, but there is STILL work being done in the womb. In reflection, I am glad that God makes us wait. You see, if hypothetically a mother got tired of waiting 9 months for her baby's birth and delivered a child prematurely, you'll find that vital growth has not taken place which could lead to various complications and even death. Waiting is it is Essential!

When God gives us a vision, it's like a baby has been conceived – however growth still needs to take place before the birth. One cannot always see the growth, but it is there! God is at work. LifeCafe is in its unique stages after conception – God is doing his work. I'm just a vessel, and it is not only me that will be part of it, God is calling other men and women to join in the work of spreading His message of salvation...but God says "wait patiently"...


So I will wait patiently for the Lord to do what HE needs to do, and do what I need to do when He tells me to do it. It's a journey of daily obedience. It's in the waiting that our strength, our character, beliefs etc get tested, developed and sharpened. It's in the waiting we discover the most about ourselves. It's in the waiting that we come face to face with the most loving Father anyone could ever have...and then when God says "Go for it!" we're ready...and waiting...

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